The New-SpectreLayout function creates a new Spectre Layout object with the specified data, columns, or rows. This function is used to create a layout object that can be used to split the console into multiple sections.
You can only have either rows OR columns in a layout and can compose layouts of layouts to create complex layouts.
Example 1 # This example demonstrates how to create a layout with a calendar, a list of files, and a panel with a calendar aligned to the middle and center.
$calendar = Write-SpectreCalendar -Date (Get-Date) -PassThru$files = Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime -First 3 | Format-SpectreTable | Format-SpectreAligned -HorizontalAlignment Right -VerticalAlignment Bottom$panel1 = $files | Format-SpectrePanel -Header "panel 1 (align bottom right)" -Expand -Color Green$panel2 = "hello row 2" | Format-SpectrePanel -Header "panel 2" -Expand -Color Blue$panel3 = $calendar | Format-SpectreAligned | Format-SpectrePanel -Header "panel 3 (align middle center)" -Expand -Color Yellow
$row1 = New-SpectreLayout -Name "row1" -Data $panel1 -Ratio 1$row2 = New-SpectreLayout -Name "row2" -Columns @($panel2, $panel3) -Ratio 2$root = New-SpectreLayout -Name "root" -Rows @($row1, $row2)
$root | Out-SpectreHost
The data to be displayed in the layout.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Object] | false | named | false |
The columns to be displayed in the layout.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Array] | true | named | false |
The rows to be displayed in the layout.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Array] | true | named | false |
The ratio of the layout, when composing layouts of layouts you can use a higher ratio in one layout to make it larger than the other layouts.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Int32] | false | named | false |
The name of the layout, this is used when you want to access one of the layouts in a nested layout to update the contents.
e.g. in the example below to update the contents of row1 you would use $root = $root["row1"].Update(("hello row 1 again" | Format-SpectrePanel))
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[String] | false | named | false |
The minimum size of the layout, this can be used to ensure a layout is at least the minimum width.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Int32] | false | named | false |
New-SpectreLayout [-Data <Object>] [-Ratio <Int32>] [-Name <String>] [-MinimumSize <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
New-SpectreLayout -Columns <Array> [-Ratio <Int32>] [-Name <String>] [-MinimumSize <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
New-SpectreLayout -Rows <Array> [-Ratio <Int32>] [-Name <String>] [-MinimumSize <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]